Tarheel Trailblazers
Charlotte, NC

The Tarheel Trailblazers Mountain Bike Association was founded in 1990 by a handful of local mountain bike enthusiasts. The Trailblazers is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization, recognized as tax-exempt in October 1997. Over the years the association has grown to over 650 resourceful, energetic, and active men and women of all ages. Our volunteers work directly with local land managers, building and assisting in the maintenance of over 110 miles of carefully constructed, sustainable mountain bike trails, in the Metro–Charlotte region. We are the voice of advocacy for mountain bikers and our goal is to build and maintain trails for all mountain bikers to enjoy for generations to come.

Top donors for February

Support these trails

Trail Care makes it super easy for Strava users to support the trails they use by enabling fast, easy and fun micro donations.

Each time you upload an activity to Strava we'll process it and check if it matches the jurisdiction of any participating organizations. If it does, we'll send you an email asking if you'd like to complete your donation.

Read How it works for more information.

Or, you can simply make a one time donation using the form below.

Make a one time donation


LuvTrails SORBA Challenge (Donation)

April 10, 2023 to June 1, 2023

LuvTrails SORBA Challenge (Distance)

April 10, 2023 to June 1, 2023

Most popular segments in the last month

Segment Times Ridden Donations Generated
Wood Run Trail South-North 4 $0.63
Entrance to Woodrun 4 $0.20
Wood Run Uphill 4 $0.38
Burial Ground CCW 3 $0.00
Beast Mode 3 $0.00
Keyauwee Counter Clockwise 3 $0.00
Southern Super D 3 $0.00
Keyauwee - CCW 1st climb 3 $0.00
Pine Hill 3 $0.00
Keyauwee Climb 3 $0.00